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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Fuel Prices Got this mail from a friend this morning, very interesting .....read on *warning , this is a motherfucking long entry, dont fall asleep* READ OOI's LETTER, THEN READ THE REBUTTAL Oil prices in Malaysia still cheaper Paul Ooi, Colorado Mar 6, 06 2:19pm It seems that many quarters of the Malaysian public are getting very agitated with the fuel price hike. As a Malaysian living overseas, I can only say that even with the price hike, Malaysians are still paying less for petrol than most Western countries, including the US. After conversion, the price per gallon of petrol in Malaysia will be US$2.00 compared to the US$2.35 average in the US. The last time I was in Japan and Hong Kong, those countries were paying US$3.50 and US$4.50 per gallon respectively! Furthermore, in the US, the price of petrol is adjusted at an almost daily basis to reflect daily market price fluctuations. In Malaysia, the prices are fixed at the national level below international prices because the government is already subsidising the commodity. There is no political or social agenda on the part of the Malaysian government as these prices are actually beyond the control of any single national government. The real problem is that we are facing growing demand for petrol as Asian giants India and China continue to industrialise and compete for the same finite fossil fuel resources as the rest of the industrialised world. The problem of political instability in producer nations like Iraq and Iran has exacerbated the rising cost of petrol as anxiety levels in the world market increase. My advice to my fellow Malaysians is to review our petrol consumption patterns and where possible cut down on unnecessary travel with the family car. Malaysians are used to the idea of taking the Proton even to ferry people from one place to another within a distance of one kilometre. The shopping mall parking lots are filled to the brim during weekends with many single occupancy vehicles. City and municipal governments need to re-emphasise the development of public transportation to cut down on private car usage. Malaysian driving and commuter habits are actually very similar to those in America, resulting in a highly petrol-dependent population. --------------- 'Understanding' won't put food on table C Nimitz Letter to Editor www.malaysiakini.com Mar 7, 06 3:51pm I refer to the letter by Paul Ooi of Colorado entitled Oil prices in Malaysia still cheaper. I must say Ooi's comparison of petrol prices in Malaysia and the US is not logical, to say the least. He implies that we Malaysians should not be so agitated over the recent hike in petrol prices because we are paying US$2 per gallon while the Americans, Japanese and Hong Kongites are paying US$2.35, US$3.50 and US$4.50 respectively. I am totally surprised that it did not occur to a well-travelled person like Ooi that Malaysians make much less than the people in the three places he named. Malaysia has a GDP per capita of US$10,400 while the United States, Japan and Hong Kong have a GDP per capita of US$41,800, US$30,400 and US$36,800 respectively. Now, is Ooi actually saying that someone who makes US$10,000 a year and pays US$2 for each gallon of petrol is better off than a person who makes US$40,000 a year but pays US$2.35 (a mere US$0.35 more) for each gallon of petrol? Doesn't make that much sense, does it? I'm tired of the usual banner of 'oil prices in Malaysia are still cheaper when compared to others' every time price hikes take place. The government must think we Malaysians are a bunch of donkeys. The fact is, despite the mediocre education the government gives to most of us, we can actually do simple maths. If the government had really done its job all these decades, we would not be plagued by corruption and wastage and would be doing so much better in the income and purchasing power departments. The issue of oil subsidy would not even arise as we can then afford to pay for unsubsidised fuel. The government also launches into elaborate explanations as to why we need to reduce subsidies for fuel and inject the salvaged money into 'much needed' development. But since the past four or five price hikes, our development has remained at that - 'much needed'. Can anybody honestly say that the public transportation system in our country has improved ever so tremendously so as to finally allow us to depend on it to get to work, to school, to the market, the court, the hospital, for meetings, etc? Okay, so we understand the pressing economic need to put our money in development, money which will otherwise be wasted away in fuel subsidies. Understanding, however, does not put food on our tables. Despite our comprehension of the economics of fuel subsidies, we still cannot make ends meet. I'm not against the idea of development. It's just that for the past 18 months or so, petrol prices have increased about 40%, diesel prices about 100% and I have not had 1% of increase in my pay. How, pray tell, am I supposed to cope with this increase in the cost of living? The saying goes that by the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends. In my case, I was not even close to making the ends meet, and they have already moved the ends. For the benefit of Ooi, I present the typical monthly expenses of a middle-income earner in Kuala Lumpur: Salary: RM2,600.00 (after EPF and tax deductions) Minus: Housing: RM300 Car loan: RM500 Study loan: RM200 Phone and Internet: RM150 Insurance: RM180 Petrol (lives a distance away from KL to take advantage of lower house rent) - new price: RM600 Toll: RM180 Salary left for food: RM490 No savings, no entertainment budget, no new clothing, not much to give the family. And when the time is up for car insurance and road tax, credit card debt is incurred. Please don't tell this person to take public transport. First of all, public transport does not reach where he is living. Secondly, I really would not dare to ask him to rely on the public transport to get to work and meetings on time. If he is a lawyer, then he definitely does not want to take public transport unless he doesn't mind his cases being struck out by the court due to his late appearance. If that is the life of a middle-income earner, my heart really goes out to the low-income earner. I do not think Malaysians are being unreasonable about the hike in fuel prices. Trying to make ends meet and making sure the family has enough food is not unreasonable. Feeling desperate and angry when price hikes takes away the ability to buy enough food for the family is not unreasonable. Unreasonable is when one complains about having to buy less Gucci shoes. Unreasonable is when the politicians who are elected by the rakyat and are living on the hard earnings of the rakyat tell their countrymen to change their already marginalised lifestyles when they themselves are driven around in luxury cars while living in mansions and having their petrol paid for by the rakyat's tax money. Unreasonable is when one tells people earning less than RM1,000 a month to tighten their already tight belts when he himself dines on the finest food in the finest ambience. Unreasonable is when the VIPs and the politically well connected send their mediocre-brained children overseas for further education through full Government scholarships at the expense of the taxpayers' children not even having a chance to get half a scholarship. Unreasonable is when the income tax relief is still pegged at RM 5,000 for the head of household (averaging RM 400 per month), RM 3,000 for the spouse (RM 250 per month) and RM 800 per child under 18 years of age (averaging less than RM 100 per month). Coming back to Ooi, since he had so selflessly offered advice to spendthrift and inconsiderate petrol-gulping Malaysians to change their lifestyle, allow me to reciprocate his kindness. My advice to Ooi is to come back to Malaysia, make Malaysian ringgit and pay US$2 for a gallon of petrol. Ooi can also practise what he preaches about reviewing 'our petrol consumption patterns'. In saying this, Ooi joins Noor Yahaya Hamzah of New Zealand in admonishing Malaysians over their reluctance to walk or ride a bicycle instead of taking the car. Notice how these people are always those who live outside Malaysia? They give their patronising advice from their comfortable homes in First World countries with First World incomes and comfortable climate. It would not be so easy to mete out such generous advice if you were living in a Third World developing nation with your Third World income and sweltering heat. - END OF STORY - Interesting eh ? [11:36 AM] Tuesday, March 28, 2006
The Black-White Spirit It happened when I was around 14 years old. I used to play a lot of football during school time and my brother happened to be a school player. So one decent morning, i joined my brother and the rest of the big guys to play football at a field near my house. As expected, i was positioned in the defensive midfield ( Steven Gerrard's ) position since i cant drible like Ronaldinho or score marvellous goals like Thierry Henry. Ahh come on, i was only 14 and imagine those guys on the field are double my body size ! Ok cut the crap, back to the real story. I remember there was a time when one of them actually miskicked the ball and the ball landed at a rubbish site. My brother was the nearest one to the ball and so he ran over to pick up the ball. The ball was stucked in the middle of those rubbish and so my brother landed a Bruce Lee sidekick on it. God knows how many innocent parasites died from that undisputed malicious sidekick. Running back with the ball, he then continued with the game. I'll condense the time to night ( you dont wan to hear the rest of the boring crappy football game story ). Now things will change drastically. As we were all sleeping soundly ( i remember i had a dream about Angelina Jolie that time ), suddenly we heard a loud window breaking sound. *Pianggggggggg* We rushed out to see what the fuck was going on and for the first time in my life, i saw my brother sitting on his bed with a super green pale look like Shrek, uncontrollable chills and sweating like Nigeria Fall. He even broke the windows next to his bed. My mum then rushed towards him and asked what was wrong. He was dumbfucked for a couple of minutes before he could talk with us. He then told us he saw 2 figures, one wearing all white gown and the other all black ( some sort of Hell's Guardian in Buddhism ) dragging him away from his bed ( probably trying to lure him down for a hot drinks ). Damm i couldnt really fully believe that he was seeing this apparition! The next day, my mum was advised by an old man ( the so call parapsychologist ) with some knowledge of this sort of activity to held a small praying session. After visited the crime scene ( football field ), the old man theorized that there was some God's offering in that rubbish site. The old man told us it was the Bruce Lee's sidekick that causes all these mess. Dont fuck around with parasites! After some prayers and offering, my brother regained back his Mr. Sidekick title. He was back to normal, he could eat, shit, sleep and play football! I dont fucking understand who would have thrown those offering so recklessly. If those offerings are meant to be holy, why the fuck is it in the rubbish site at the first place? It could fucking cost a human life! Why cant these fuckers offer or throw their goods in a safer place. Whenever i see these offerings on the road side, ill fucking give it a sidekick! I do it the Jet Li's style. [1:17 PM] Sunday, March 26, 2006
erimin - The First Interview Liverpool Football Club new signing erimin, a high profile and talented striker from Malaysia talks to Liverpoolfc.tv : Liverpoolfc.tv: Welcome to Liverpool erimin, it must be a great thrill for you to be here. Knn want to ask one meh, of cos i'm thrilled la. So when did you first hear that Rafael Benitez wanted to bring you here? Aiyoo i know long time ago already la, he always asked me out for lunch but i lazy wanna layan ( entertain ) him only. So what are your first impressions of Anfield and the training ground? "GOOD TER NEH!!!" You've met Rafael Benitez briefly, what did he have to say to you? He said he's damm kau happy to have me here cos the rest of the strikers cannot score goals. He wants me to bring down the dark empire of Chelsea alone, i know i can do it la but dont la praise me until like that. So what qualities do you think you will bring to this team? I have the combination of ronaldinho-zidane-henry-gerrard playing style, u say leh ? You've walked into a squad where there is going to be a tremendous amount of competition for places as well. Where got competition, i will be playing in every single matches la...my record is 250 appreances with 300 goals....need to say more? You are also joining the European champions, did you watch the road to Istanbul last year and follow the team's progress? Nia mah, bookie bikin jalan already la. 3 goals in one half you believe ah? Did you watch the final? Of course la, i Liverpool fan la. Do you know any of the Liverpool players or any members of the squad? Of course la, sometimes Gerrard come find me in Klang one. Then Carragher sometimes play snooker with me and this Garcia always go clubbing with me. What's your target then this season, how can you improve as a player and how much more is there to come from you? Target ah, say bye bye to Chelsea and no doubts im gonna win everything. You come here to be successful, so how confident are you that you can win trophies with Liverpool? No leg la you, of course 200% confident la ! Are you glad that you can get on with your career with Liverpool now? A bit la, now waiting for Barcelona and Real Madrid to bid for me...that time see how la Im still dreaming, dont wake me up. [4:54 PM] Saturday, March 25, 2006
Kong Hei Kong Hei Kong Hei Kong Hei ( congratulation in Cantonese ) to both Chin Tat and his beloved wife Lilee. They got married last Sunday 19th March 2006, remember my last post on the bachelor's nite. Best wishes to the both of them and hope you guys happy forever. ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ive been getting spam mails from this asshole known as "amsezosa" for the past few months, his email is amsezosa@yahoo.com. Anyone got spammed by him as well ? I actually replied him "STOP FUCKING SPAMMING ME OR ILL SWEAR YOU GONNA GET ZAPPED BY ULTRAMAN!!". Im gonna give him another week to stop the spam, if he insists to continue his evangelism....he's gonna face the ultimate-super-Goddamm spam from me. [12:30 AM] Monday, March 20, 2006
Donz "da Man" Well folks... He has made it this far. Yesterday was Chin Tat's ( a friend of mine ) last day of "freedom". We had a bachelor's night at his house on Saturday. I was sloppy drunk. I am superbly glad everyone was there. From the "da Man" ( *Pronounce "da Man" ( the man ) in typical heavy Bahasa Malaysia.* ) Donz, Bennar, Eddie, Hong and the list goes on.....everyone was there. Soon after i woke up this morning the overhanged-ness and queesi-ness departed and all that was left was the sweet, aching tiredness of a man that drank too much and slept too little. Ok back to the bachelor's nite, we had great time with beers and peanuts...eating peanuts, throwing peanuts, drinking beers, vomit beers. We had a shit hell of a laugh when Bennar told us the experience he had with Donz the other day. This is how it goes, they were both in Point Extreme ( a cybercafe in Sri Petaling ) and as they were having fun with their games they suddenly realized there was a huge crowd outside. So they decided to walk out and kepoh ( busybody ) a bit and found an old man ( at his 70's ) collapsed outside the cafe, he was not injured. The old man wasnt moving, like a dead fish. A short time later, ambulance and Black Maria ( coffin car ) arrived and the old man was carried away with his face covered. The old man was carried into the Black Maria with his face covered. At this stage, im pretty sure anyone could have figure out this old man is dead. Now here's the joke....as the both of them walked out from the cafe to kepoh about what happened outside, Donz as usual booked the grand stand. He was at the most front and the old man was lying right in front of his toe. Donz was holding a ciggie ( like those Chief Inspector in crime scene ) and took a good look at the old man. After the old man was carried away into the Black Maria and with his face covered, Donz asked Bennar this IQ above 100 question, "IS HE DEAD?". For fuck sake , what do you think happened to that old man ?! He was carried away to the coffin car and not the ambulance, his face was covered and he was wrapped up. Donz actually thought he was taking a nap or just resting ! So kids, study harder and increase your IQ.......you dont want to be like Donz, a community message from erimin. [11:21 AM] Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Wheel Of Fortune G _ F _ C K Y _ _ R S _ L F Would You Like To Buy A Vowel ? [1:35 PM] Great Writer A friend of mine saw my blog today and asked me what's a "blog". It probably takes about a couple of minutes to explain what actually a blog's all about or you could probably google it and find the answer easily. But to explain to someone with a IQ lower than negative 5 it fucking took me hours to explain "WHAT IS BLOG" to that moron. So i started explaining what's blog all about, online diary, sex stories, bullshits and blah blah blah. I told him i wanted to learn how to write, write things the whole world will read, stuff that will elicit strong emotions from people in every walk of life. I want my writing to make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger, make them wet and yell my name. And this moron all of a sudden got very excited and told me he had a friend who has the same ambition like me some time ago, a friend who wanted to be a great writer, to touch the heart of human soft heart with his writings. Since he was so excited, i dediced to layan ( entertain ) him a bit and asked if his friend came out with any good titles. With a 50cents look on his face, he told me his friend now lives happily ever after in US writing error messages for Microsoft ! What an inspiration for me to continue blogging. ************************************************************************************ I was chatting with an ICQ friend this morning, this is how it goes : Me : Morning ma'am *nick censored* : Morning lengchai ( i know i am ) Me : hows it going? *nick censored* : okok lor, went to my auntie's place last weekend. Damm sien, see the kids so notti. Me : Aiyakk kids are like that one. *nick censored* : You know something hor, my this niece very pandai one and she can curse like adult. She even ask my boyfriend to breakup with me and be with her. Last time she even kiss my boyfriend ! What will you do if a 5 year old kid falls in love with you and wanted you to be her boyfriend? Alrite, question for the day...."What will you do if a 5 year old kid falls in love with you and wanted your sorrow ass to be her boyfriend?". A. Get an AK47 and shoot her ass off like there is no tomorrow. B. Tell her you love her too and fuck the shit out of her. C. Report it to her parents. D. Call up some friends and gangbang her. E. Slap her and tell her "Kiddo, dont fuck around with me!". A friend of mine actually picked "D", what a loser. [12:10 AM] Friday, March 10, 2006
Liverpool 0 - Benfica 2 *Ma ciba!* Tell me this is not real ! We were dominating ( even in away soil ) , had hell lotsa good chances and yet we cant score and fucking lost the game. I've seen a lot of Liverpool's game this season and i found that we have problems scoring. The likes of Morientes, Cisse, Crouch, Fowler are not producing impressive scoresheets. Come to think about it, im pretty sure Liverpool will go super far under my management...Rafa erimin muahahahahahaha. My records? 10 years streak Domestic League Champion, FA Cup Champion, European Champion, League Cup Champion and whatever Cup..you name it. Before i forgot, I did that in Championship Manager hihihihihi. The job of football manager must be the toughest and most stressful management role on the planet. There is no hiding. Your results are immediate – once or even twice a week. Club Boards and fans want instant results. Poor performance is punished ruthlessly and in public. Humiliation is a constant companion. Under this constant pressure one can understand why many managers rant and rave on the sidelines, screaming like KingKong, on television, radio and in the press. In today's competitive world almost all football managers know that at Premier League level most players are equal as far as fitness and skills go. What makes the STAR, what makes the exceptional player is mental fitness. It is mental fitness that wins games. So here are the changes i'll build to the new beloved Liverpool squad : 1. One thing that i really hate at the current squad is Cisse is not in the starting eleven. Look dude, this guy has got pace and his lack of scoring form doesnt mean you cant utilize him. PUT THIS BLACK ASS ON THE RIGHT WING, i've seen him playing in that role and he fits in perfectly. 2. WE NEED SCORING STRIKERS ! We have a perfect combo of the back fours, the never-say-die engineered midfields and cant-score strikers upfront. We probably need somebody like Ronaldinho or Thierry Henry, somebody who creates chances. 3.Do whatever it takes to get fun and enjoyment back into the team. People cannot perform at their peak when they’re afraid, worried or unhappy. Make having fun your main objective, like smilling at the asshole you just sliding tackled at - look at him with a wimp face. Work hard – yes! Win games – of course. But let’s not beat ourselves up when we make mistakes. Let’s get the fun back in our football and our lives. 4.Genuinely praise even the smallest improvement or the tiniest spark of brilliance and praise openly. Especially when things are going badly. Big fires start from small sparks. Really look for things to praise. Tactically, we are doing great. This brand new team is playing a new form of football and i like it the way it is. Good job Rafa, but im better. [10:31 AM] Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Things My Mum Would Never Say My mum is a very classic, traditional ( a little modern ) chinese, kind, caring ( and the list goes on.....) lady. If only my mum would say the below statements, im sure KingKong would definitely ownz Ultraman's ass easily ( i love you mum ). 1. "Why dont you volume up the Metallica tunes?" 2. "Yeah, i used to skip school a lot, too." 3. "Let me smell that shirt , yeah its good for another week." 4. "Well, if Ahbeng's mum says its OK, thats good enough for me." 5. "I dont have a tissue wit me, just use your sleeve." 6. "Oh you're going out tonight? Why don't you take some drugs to help you stay awake?" 7. "Dear, why not have your girlfriend sleep over tonight?" 8. "No need to study, in fact I can blackmail the teacher to give you straight A's!" 9. "I encourage youngsters to go to strip clubs for school trips!" Yah dream on, Kingkong will never ownz Ultraman *shiak shiak shiak - Ultraman's laser*. [1:37 AM] Thursday, March 02, 2006
The Good Old Days Im dedicating this post to the late 70's and early 80's babies, read this shit and im sure you'll give yourself a fart on your face after reading it. Here we go boys and girls........ Signs that you are a late 70's or early 80's baby : - You grew up watching G-Force, He-Man, Transformers, Thundercats, Silver Hawk, Woody Woodpecker, Chipmunks and Mickey Mouse. Not to forget Ninja Turtles, Mask, Smurfs and Voltron too. - Girls watched Japanese cartoon like My Little Pony, "Xiao Tian Tian", "Huan Xian Zi" etc. - You grew up brushing your teeth with a mug in primary school after recess. - You squatted by the drain with all your classmate beside you, and brushed your teeth with a colourful mug. - Remember the days when the school nurse comes with a list for the dentist appointment, the sound of the drilling when your friend has a fill in his tooth. - You remember the packets of milk we get in primary school to encourage us to drink more milk ( it only cost 30cents per pack ). - In secondary school, girls go to the libary to borrow their favourite romance storybook. - In secondary school, girls altered their school shirt to shorten it and guys will go to tailor make their school trousers to the then fashionable "baggy pants". - During primary school days, the teacher will punish you using a ruler to hit your palm. - A bowl of noodles soup cost only 30cents in primary school days. - When you were in primary school, girls like to go to the bookshop to buy cute stuff such as animal erasers, various shape sharpeners, colorful notebook etc. - Hankyu Jaya, Great Wall, Yaohan deparmental stores used to be a favourite hangout for families during weekends. - In secondary school days, you buy the Bata TM Turbo or Pallas Jazz school shoes. - Internet? Email? What the fuck is that? - CDs? What the...? Cassete tapes were the norm. Movie tickets used to cost less than 5 bucks. - You never forget "Ti Kam" - When exams are over, the board game ( eg. Monopoly, Donkey, Transportation Comparison Card ) and hand held video games will be all over the class. - Your favourite sound is the bell. The ice cream man, the cream that tops Haagen Daaz. - Another bell is the recess bell, a time to get away from school work and eat the shit out of it. - Another time when there is no bell but all guys will anxiously wait for it...the PJ ( Pendidikan Jasmani ), PE time ( for football ). - Your favourite childhood games were playing "Guli" ( marbles ), five stones, five bottle cover, zero point, catching, Pepsi Cola One 2 Three and Police & sentry. - The best thirst quencher of all time is the yummy colourful ice tubes you can buy from provision shops for only 10cents. To eat them, break the tab and suck the shit out of it while holding the freezing tube. - All girls have a girl doll / strawberry shortcake, my little pony, pound puppy, while all boys have a soldier figurine or a rubber band catapult that shoots the shit out of everybody. - Once was the era whereby ice cream sticks were valueable items, then came the paper aircrafts, chalk fights. - Some even used matches to shoot and burn kids lanterns during MoonCake Festival. - And your favourite holiday was Lunar New Year. New clothes, Angpows, shopping , junk food and family outings. The majority of students in universities today were born in 1987 / 88, they are called "Youth". - For them, they have never heard of the song "We are the world, we are the children".And the "Uptown Girl" they know is by Westlife and not Billy Joel. - For them, there have always been only one Germany and only one Vietnam. - AIDS exist since they were born. - CD exists since they were born. - Michael Jackson is already whitened. - John Travolta is always round in shape and they cant imagine how this fat guy could be a dancing God. - They believe that Spiderman and Incredible Hulk are just new films. - They can never imagine a black and white screen for a computer. - They never know what is Atari or "Game & Watch". - They cant believe a black and white television ever existed and they dont even know how to switch on a TV without a remote control. - And they never understand how we can go out without a mobile phone when we were in university. Lets check if you're getting old : - You understand what was written above and you fucking smile. - Most of your secondary school friends are getting married. - You are always suprised to see small children playing comfortably with computer. - When you see teenagers with mobile phones, you shake your head. - You spend less and less time talking on phone with your friends daily. - When you meet your old friends from time to time, you talk about the good old days, repeating again and again all funny stories you experienced together. Print this post, frame it up on the wall and read it every morning when you wake up. [2:23 AM] |