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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Twinkle Twinkle Little Training I am so freaking tired and I have not been getting a real good sleep for weeks. Sleep, I mean really sleep. You put your head on the pillow and sleep the shit out of it till you are really awake and get the shit out from your bed. I admit that getting old with more responsibilities is really stressful and especially it is the prime time or the highlight moment of my career. That aside, allow me to say that I have never been so mentally abused by any training before. I had 2 full fuxing days for training and it was insane, pull-your-hair-out moments and most of the speakers either they wanked the day before their speech or they just had a great fight with Godzilla. I think I'm a little over reacting here. Well the speakers are all great person. It is just that the material itself is so abysmally numb I bet if the trees that were cut down for the printing would do something about it they'd burn themselves up. Anyway, I guess the best outcome out of this (other than of course securing my job for a longer bit) is that I actually got to master the art of sleeping-with-eyes-open, eyes-looking-at-the-speaker-but-the-mind-is-thinking-of-something-else, walking-in-and-out-pretending-there-was-a-phone-call, MCSE ( Minesweeper Certified Solitaire Expert )as well as Free Cell and Hearts. I was so relieved that the training finally finished today. I had to reward myself by baptizing myself over a 30minutes long shower. Oh by the way, I had a great lunch today. Steamboooooooattttttttt !!!! and the greatest of all, it's company's bill ;) [11:01 PM] Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Sweetie Twenty nine years ago, a baby boy was born in Klang. When he was just a towheaded rascal, a baby girl was born in the other side of Singapore. When he was a smartass troublemaker with a crooked smile, she was pretty and looked like an angel. When he was working his ass out to earn more bucks, she was fretting over what to wear with her new clothes. Their lives took them down different roads, but roads that would lead them to each other some time later. The woman who made me laugh and made me smile. The day I finally accepted that love is forever etched into my mind and my heart, and I'm so thankful for the amazing ways she's changed my life for the better. She has shown me the meaning of unconditional love, has helped me discover my own strengths and accept my own weaknesses, and she's taught me so much about communication and openness and trust and devotion and support and romance and the pure value of love. I want to take the opportunity to say a very public thank you to her, for loving me the way I am and the way I'm not, and for showing me that I don't have to give up on happily ever after. I love you sweetie and I hope you have a happy birthday. I look forward to spending the rest of your birthdays, and mine, by your side. [1:55 AM] Sunday, May 25, 2008
Boring For the last few weeks, I have been just working like a two headed cow to get out from under a pile of deadlines. As a result, I've hardly blogged at all. There was nothing I could do, I was literally drained of all my energy. Anyway, I reached some very important milestones last week and the workload might become a bit more sane. I'm still working on some of them, sienzzz !!!!! Now I am so lazy and lost in the trees that I don't see the whole forest, completely blinded and lazyyyy. [8:16 PM] Friday, May 23, 2008
Stupid Final WARNING ! ! ! ! ! THIS IS A RACIST POST !!!! What a boring CL final between 2 big noobs and MU were so fuxing lucky again to be playing with such a noob team and not us LIVERPOOL ! So for all MU fans, don't be too happy - you were lucky AGAIN. Y O U N E V E R W A L K A L O N E ! ! ! ! [1:48 AM] Sunday, May 18, 2008
My Wesak holiday is fuxed. I'm gonna be in KLCC Convention Centre from tomorrow onwards for 3 fuxing days, 9am - 6pm. [1:33 PM] Friday, May 16, 2008
You want goose, I give you goose. This is the first time I am actually eating a damn goose, yes for the very fuxing first time. TL brought me to this small secluded eating stall at Jalan Pasar ( KL ) and it surprised me when I saw the signboard "Goose", they actually sell goose here! A total whooping of RM34 for 1 plate of rice, 2 drinks, 1 plate of goose and 1 goose leg tapao for my mum. [1:59 AM] Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Quit Smoking Day 1 One pack of Dunhill = RM8.20 One month supply of Dunhill = RM8.20 x 31 days = RM254.2 That's how much I can save every month after quitting smoking. And with that amount of money I can make good use of it, such as getting a penis enlargement. Nahh just kidding, mine is good enough ;) I was googling around and found the shits below : Benefits of Quitting Smoking It is common knowledge that smoking is a major risk factor for a whole range of life-threatening diseases. It is also true that even the most ardent smoker would like to quit smoking, but the addiction rules over his mind and he goes on blowing himself away in smoke. When it comes to smoking, it’s never too late to quit, no matter how deep you are into smoking. You would be surprised to know that the negative effects of smoking start reversing within as little as 20 minutes of quitting. And this is how the body starts to heal itself when you quit smoking: · 20 minutes after quitting: The increased blood pressure and heart beat/pulse rate return to normal levels. · 8 hours after quitting: Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood drop by 50%. And blood oxygen level returns to normal. · 24 hours after quitting: Carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body. And lungs begin to clear out the mucus and other leftover debris from smoking. · 48 hours of quitting: Nicotine is completely out of your system. Your taste buds and olfactory nerves start functioning, improving your sense of smell and taste. · 72 hours after quitting: Bronchial tubes begin to relax and breathing becomes less restrained. As a result, your energy levels increase. · 2–12 weeks: Blood circulation improves and lung function begins to improve too, initiating the risk for heart attack to drop. · 3 months after quitting: Fertility starts improving. · 3–9 months: Lung function is enhanced by 10%, resulting in relief from cough, shortness of breath, wheezing and other breathing problems. · 1 year after quitting: Risk for developing coronary heart disease is reduced to half. · 5 years after quitting: Risk of heart attack becomes half. And the risk for stroke becomes comparable to that faced by a non-smoker. · 10 years after quitting: The risk for various cancers (lung, oral, throat, esophagus, etc.) decreases. Yes, it takes that long for cancer risk to reduce, but the risk of heart attack becomes the same as for someone who never smoked. This was as far as health benefits were concerned. There are other benefits of quitting smoking too that come as immediate rewards. For example: · Improvement in the overall appearance of the skin, hair, teeth and gums · Riddance from yellow stained teeth and fingernails · Improvement in the wrinkled skin around the mouth and eyes · Freedom from bad breath and stinky hair and clothes · Relish in eating due to enhanced sense of taste and smell · Feeling of general well being due to increased energy levels · Increased fitness level due to improved blood circulation and lung function Then there are overall benefits that quitting smoking brings to you and your family. These are: · Quitting smoking adds not only years to your life, it also adds quality to your and your family’s life. Did you know that each cigarette reduces a smoker’s life by 11 minutes? This amounts to one-and-a-half days of lost life per pack of cigarettes and 2 months of lost lifespan per year if you smoke just a pack a day. · Quitting smoking boosts your self-confidence and makes you believe in your ability to tackle hard challenges in life. · Quitting smoking is akin to getting a pay hike; it saves you as much as $ 3000 a year if you had been smoking 20 cigarettes per day. · Quitting smoking produces healthy babies · Quitting smoking makes your children less prone to respiratory disorders I am yet to see or feel anything, knn first day only wat to expect. [1:33 AM] Monday, May 12, 2008
Announcenment [4:44 PM] Tuesday, May 06, 2008
I Am Very Down All the time I’m trying to say, well, things are looking up, but I feel just as bad. All the decisions I’ve made, all the things I've said haven’t done very well, I feel like a complete failure. I'm so tired but I just can't sleep. I miss the people that I held closest to me and that I felt like I could just lean on and cry my eyes out. I've just been sitting around all day and the gloom has not settled on me. [4:10 AM] Friday, May 02, 2008
Joke I got this joke in my mail box, funny shits though. Needles Are Not Nice... Bill and Bob, two children, were sitting outside a clinic. Bill happened to be crying very loudly. "Why are you crying?" Bob asked. "I came here for a blood test," sobbed Bill. "So? Are you afraid?" "No. For the blood test, they cut my finger. As Bob heard this, he immediately began crying profusely. Astonished, Bill stopped his tears and asked Bob, "Why are you crying now?" To which Bob replied, "I came for a urine test!" [2:16 AM] |